
The past week has been a devastating reminder of the fact that this country does not appreciate us as equals. The first signal came packaged deceptively in a moment that could have led to something like a fair decision.

Instead, it led to the conclusion that it’s reckless to shoot at a wall but not to shoot at someone after you force your way without true cause into the wrong apartment. The reiterated argument that something or some place matters more than someone. That the right to life is somehow not clearly established (??).

I may never understand leaders who are so quick to quell the resulting uproar and dehumanize those who are upset but won’t speak a single word against the sworn officers who defy their duty. Who are silent toward the brutally violent defenders of a homeland that never actually existed as they imagine it but will repeatedly denigrate the people who dare to believe this country can be better.

I believe a day exists where we won’t be repeatedly saying we deserve better because we’ll actually be receiving better. I just pray to see that day on this earth. In the meantime, I’m doing my best to balance staying informed and protecting my peace. I pray you all are finding a way to do the same.


I started this post in 2022 as I was processing my frustrations about the charges against the officers who killed Breonna Taylor. I’m coming back to it now as I have been strategically avoiding hearing or seeing more about Tyre Nichols’ murder. In the time between, I have leaned increasingly toward protecting my peace. Even with that goal, I will still hear about these lives cut short. I’ll still see small examples of the marks they left on the world and the love their families and communities had for them. I’ll still get the chance to observe how another show of arrogant force left unchecked leads to violence, abuse, and mistrust. I won’t, however, have the corresponding violent images seared into my memory.

I still want to believe there is a day where the more peaceful reality we hope for will be here. I just want to see my loved ones make it to that day alive.

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